Duromine in fatty heart

Duromine in fatty heart.

It is known that obesity negatively affects overall health. Heart most of all suffers from overweight. Excess fat is accumulated not only in the waist and hips, but also around the heart. Herewith, the load on the heart functions increases that leads to its hypertrophy and increases the risk of atherosclerosis.

Studies have shown that the load on the heart decreases simultaneously with weight loss. People with fatty heart should adhere to a balanced diet and lead an active lifestyle to reduce weight. In severe stage of obesity when BMI is above 30, appetite suppressant Duromine can be prescribed simultaneously with a diet and physical activity.

The treatment of fatty heart is primarily aimed at the reduction of body weight. The fact that the main respiratory disorders that develop in obese people depend on overweight rather than heart failure. People with fatty heart should start weight loss with the minimal dose of Duromine 15 mg.

Along with weight loss by means of Duromine pills, metabolic needs of the body are greatly reduced. The heart plays an important role in the metabolic needs of the body. The heart supplies every cell of the body with the blood and nutrients. Consequently, the body functions depend on the heart work.

Clinical studies have shown that due to the use of Duromine 15 mg, pumping function of the heart is normalized. Due to the decrease of body fat, the amount of stroke volume of the heart is reduced. When using Duromine pills, decrease in body weight and body fat reduces the growth of the vascular network.

Furthermore, the reduction of adipose tissue helps to decrease adipose tissue of internal organs, colon, skeletal muscles, as well as improves a reserve of the heart function. After all, the reserve of the heart work is designed only for life-sustaining of low-fat tissues, organs and muscles.

Weight loss by means of Duromine therapy helps to reduce the volume of blood circulation. The load on the heart is reduced due to that it passes through itself smaller volume of blood. For a course of obesity pharmacotherapy with Duromine, a person can lose up to 15% of initial weight.

Weight loss by means of Duromine pills reduces the risk of diastolic and systolic left ventricular dysfunction, which is a sign of heart failure. In addition, weight loss with Duromine helps to normalize the level of blood pressure.

Weight loss with Duromine anti-obesity therapy improves not only metabolic functions, but also hormonal disorders. Along with the reduction of body fat, tissue sensitivity to insulin is increased and functions of lipid profile are improved.

Reduction in fatty tissue caused by the use of Duromine pills accelerates the bloodstream and reduces the number of red blood cells. Along with the reduction in the number of red blood cells, the risk of atherosclerosis decreases, the elasticity of blood vessels increases, the risk of developing blood clots reduces. The reduction of three risk factors decreases the likelihood of cardiovascular pathologies.

Weight should be gradually reduced in people with fatty heart. Rapid weight loss is dangerous, especially if fatty heart is accompanied with angina attacks and diabetes. Anti-diabetic or antihypertensive drugs can be prescribed together with Duromine pills.

Given that due to weight loss, the level of blood pressure decreases, the dosage of antihypertensive drugs (Acebutolol, Atenolol, Metoprolol, Pindolol) should be reduced. It is also recommended to control the level of blood pressure, because the risk of hypotonic crisis increases when using Duromine in the combination with antihypertensive therapy.

During obesity pharmacotherapy with Duromine, the dosage of oral anti-diabetic drugs (Glumetza, Fortamet, Riomet, and Glucophage) should also be reduced. Weight loss due to Duromine 15mg improves the insulin resistance. The use of anti-diabetic drugs in the conjunction with Duromine pills may lead to hypoglycemia development.

Duromine weight loss drug helps gradually reduce weight in patients with fatty heart. Regular use of Duromine 15mg within 12 weeks helps to lose up to 15% of initial weight. Gradual reduction in body weight during the use of Duromine diet pills decreases the risk of arrhythmias. When reducing weight, people with fatty heart should:

  • monitor electrolyte balance;
  • measure blood pressure and control ECG;
  • check blood sugar level.

To keep weight at the achieved level after the discontinuation of Duromine slimming pills, it is recommended to stick to a balanced diet and to find time for physical exercises. If physical exercises lead to respiratory disorders, they can be replaced by walking for 30-40 minutes per day.

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