CategoriesWeight Loss

Duromine in gastritis treatment

Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal and excessive fat deposits that can harm health. Obesity contributes to a number of chronic diseases, which reduce quality of life. One of the most common gastrointestinal diseases in obesity is gastritis.

Treatment of gastritis mostly supposes compliance with special diets and losing weight. At the initial stage of obesity therapy, it is recommended to keep to a balanced diet and increase physical activity. If non-drug obesity treatment doesn’t lead to weight loss, doctors include weight loss drug Duromine into it.

Losing weight with Duromine diet pills helps improve the function of the biliary tract and sphincters. Duromine slimming capsules provide not only body fat lowering, but also gastric mucosa normalization and reduced risk of various gastrointestinal tract disorders, particularly, reflux gastritis.

Reducing weight with Duromine pills improves functioning of biliary tract, thus preventing bile from getting into the stomach. Consequently, this lowers risk of damages to gastric mucosa and of inflammations, which lead to chronic gastritis.

Duromine anti-obesity therapy provides weight reduction, due to which the patient gets rid of having a heavy stomach during or after taking food, nausea, bad taste in the mouth, diarrhea, bloating, and constipation. Diet is the main factor in treating gastritis, developed as a result of having excessive weight.

After all, gastritis often develops as a consequence of malnutrition. Lately, these diseases (obesity with associated gastritis) are observed in childhood and adolescence. This is due to the fact that children mainly eat fast food and other junk food.

Balanced diet is the main component of obesity treatment with Duromine weight loss pills, as well as in gastritis treatment. Therefore, it is important that food is easily digested. Meals should be fractional and frequent, in small portions. The patient should exclude from his diet:

  • spicy and acidic foods (red and black pepper, chili, tomatoes and citrus juices);
  • mint and caffeine-containing beverages (coffee, cola, energy, strong tea);
  • red meat, peeled bean, fatty fish;
  • fried and fatty foods;
  • alcohol.

When losing weight with Duromine weight loss drug, diet must necessarily contain lean meats, lean fish, beans, whole bean, low-fat dairy products, fruits and vegetables. Daily diet should be divided into 5-6 small meals.

If the gastritis attack is acute, you should first undergo a diet therapy. Balanced diet can help relieve pain, improve well-being and achieve lasting remission. After 2-3 weeks of diet, Duromine weight loss drug can be added to the non-drug therapy.

It should be noted that slimming capsules Duromine can cause some gastrointestinal side effects (nausea, diarrhea, unpleasant taste in the mouth, vomiting). Typically, gastrointestinal side effects of Duromine arise at the beginning of pharmacotherapy, and pass on their own in 7-10 days.

Taking Duromine diet pills in 1-2 hours after eating will help protecting gastric mucosa from direct exposure of the drug and prevent side effects. You can also reduce the severity of side effects by reducing Duromine daily dose.

It is recommended to begin obesity therapy with average therapeutic Duromine dose of 30 mg.  If Duromine 30 mg causes side effects, the severity of which is not reduced within a few days, it is recommended to reduce the daily dose of weight loss drug to the minimum Duromine dose of 15 mg.

Proper nutrition and regular exercise can help prevent obesity and diseases, which develop as a result of having excessive weight. Each person’s health is in his hands, and he is responsible for its quality.

CategoriesWeight Loss

How to lose weight in hypertension

Magnesium diet is often advised in primary hypertension. It is a diet, excluding meat, fish, salt, and has a restricted fluid intake. Simultaneously with these restrictions, magnesium diet involves consuming a large number of products with high magnesium content.

Magnesium diet includes three successive daily menus. The patient should keep to each menu for 3-4 days. These menus are characterized by their magnesium content, each of them containing 0.8 to 1.2 grams of magnesium.

Experts say that 12 days of magnesium diet result in:

  • cholesterol lowering
  • vascular tone regulation
  • increased urine excretion from the body.

Menus on magnesium diet differ from each other by the caloric value and magnesium content. It is recommended to alternate these three menus until your blood pressure normalizes.

Hypertensive patient, sticking to the magnesium diet, must include in his daily diet foods, containing magnesium salts:

  • almonds, nuts, soy, buckwheat, white beans, wheat bran, carrots, rosehips, millet cereal.

Hypertensive patients are forbidden to eat the following foods and dishes:

  • strong meat and fish broth, fast food, canned food, mayonnaise, industrial sauces, smoked products, sausages, table salt.

It is recommended to start the diet by consuming 700mg magnesium a day, while the calorific value should not exceed 1200 calories. Menu for such a diet might look like this:

  • I breakfast: 150g of buckwheat porridge with roasted bran, a cup of tea with lemon
  • II Breakfast: half a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice
  • lunch: 250g of borscht, cooked on wheat bran broth;150g of rice pilaf with dried apricots, half a cup of dried black currant infusion
  • afternoon snack: half a cup of rose hips infusion
  • dinner: 200g of carrot-apple cutlets

You can drink half a glass of hot milk before bedtime.

When you get to the second phase of hypertension treatment, your daily menu should contain 997mg of magnesium with a caloric value of 1415 kcal. Sample menu for the second phase of the magnesium diet:

  • I breakfast: 350g of buckwheat casserole, a cup of tea with lemon
  • II Breakfast: half a cup of tomato juice
  • lunch: 250g of cabbage soup, prepared on the base of wheat bran broth, 55gr of stewed meat with onions, an apple
  • afternoon snack: 150g of carrot and apple salad, half a cup of rose hips infusion
  • dinner: 100g of cottage cheese, 200g of cabbage cutlets

You can drink half a glass of hot milk before bedtime. It is allowed to eat 125g of salt-free bran bread during the day.

At the final, third, stage of magnesium the daily calorie value of the diet reaches 2460 kcal, while magnesium content is 1300mg. Sample menu:

  • I breakfast: 150g of grated carrots, 200g of millet porridge, a cup of tea with lemon
  • II Breakfast: 200g of cutlets, prepared of dried fruits with roasted wheat bran, half a cup of rose hips infusion
  • lunch: 250g of borscht, cooked on wheat bran broth;90g of meat chop; 150g of fresh salad, seasoned with lemon juice; glass of blackcurrant kissel
  • afternoon snack: an apple
  • dinner: 200g of carrot-apple meatballs, 150g of cottage cheese souffle, half a cup of tomato juice

You can drink half a glass of hot milk before bedtime. It is allowed to eat 250g of salt-free bran bread and 30g of sugar during the day.

If the magnesium diet has not helped to reduce weight and normalize blood pressure, the patient can be prescribed Duromine weight loss drug for promoting weight reduction.  Duromine weight loss drug is indicated to obese people with hypertension, when harm, caused by Duromine, is much less, than the harm from overweight.

While hypertensive patient is taking Duromine diet capsules, he is recommended to control his blood pressure and heart rate. Patient on Duromine should stop taking these diet pills, if his blood pressure is constantly high.

It should be noted that Duromine helps reducing weight, but it is not an alternative for the treatment of other diseases. Therefore, hypertensive patients must continue taking antihypertensive drugs during drug-therapy with Duromine.

Given that blood pressure normalizes simultaneously with fat amount lowering, the patient might need to reduce the daily dose of antihypertensive drugs, while he is taking Duromine capsules.

Retail pharmacies sell Duromine only by prescription. You can buy Duromine without a prescription on an online pharmacy. If you’ve never used Duromine for weight loss, you can ask your questions via email.

CategoriesWeight Loss

What is Duromine Pills: Use of the Medicine for?

What is Duromine?

Recognised by leading health officials as being a natural appetite suppressant, Duromine’s active ingredient phentermine works by:

  • Making the brain believe users hunger levels are reduced. This is achieved through the release of neurotransmitters that signal a fight-or-flight response within the body
  • Breaking down stored fat, using the body’s natural fat cells.

Available only to obese patients who have been prescribed Duromine by their physicians, Duromine can effectively help users who have struggled to lose weight in the past by offering them this initial helping hand.

*For more information on Duromine’s weight loss qualities, visit

Both capable of offering users a natural means to lose weight and reduce their appetites, Duromine and Proactol have certainly got a lot to offer.

Users who have experimented with these supplements have consistently experienced a weight loss of 1-2lbs a week, when they combined them with a nutritious diet and regular exercise.

But upon a close inspection, some startling differences arose. Namely in Duromine’s side effects. When you consider these aspects, Proactol and Duromine are fields a part. For one Proactol is 100% side effect free, whereas Duromine is no where close.

Is Duromine safe?

Yes, to a degree, but considering Duromine’s extensive list of warnings and guidelines, it is hard to take its side effects anything but seriously.

Convulsions, palpitations and hallucinations… these are just a few of the many health problems Duromine can cause. In particular the discovery that Duromine in 30% of cases has contributed to the development of abnormal heart valves, makes its prescription only status completely understandable.

But these unfortunately are just lower end of the scale of problems Duromine can cause.

It’s attributions to being a Schedule IV controlled substance for instance, is another clear example that users of this supplement, should only try it with caution.

It is not a supplement to be taken lightly.

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