CategoriesWeight Loss

Duromine for anti-obesity therapy in GERD

It is a fact that obesity is considered a disease these days, since the number of overweight people increases every year. This problem affected 50% of population in some countries of the world. Hence, obesity is an epidemic people need to struggle with.

Mainly, fat is accumulated in the body due to the lack of moving. When a person is full of energy and he does not waste it on physical activity, the body stores it as fat. Apart from the fact that people do not waste all that energy that comes with food, they overeat almost every day, so the numbers of calories increase dramatically. Not mentioning that people often choose fatty food for their daily diet. This leads to formation of fat deposits in the body.

But not only food provokes the accumulation of extra fat. People become overweight because of many other factors, such as heredity (if one or both parents are overweight), sedentary lifestyle, impaired nervous system, hormonal imbalance, aging, etc.

Normally, hormones are responsible for most of the processes in the human body. The occurrence of appetite, hunger and digestion of food are also the processes that are controlled by special hormones in the brain and gastrointestinal tract. Thus, an improper eating behavior of a patient causes hormonal imbalance, and as a result leads to various problems in the gastrointestinal tract, like liver and biliary tract disorders, small and large intestine diseases and others.

One of these gastrointestinal problems is gastroesophageal reflux disease or simply GERD. This state is diagnosed if a patient experiences a reflux of gastric contents up to his esophagus from time to time, or regularly. Overall, GERD causes many physical inconveniences, like heartburn, belching, vomiting and pain while swallowing. Naturally, obesity exaggerates all these events, because overweight people consume large amount of fatty and junk food.

Therefore, nutritionists recommend to reduce the body weight to minimize the likelihood of GERD. For anti-obesity therapy, doctors often prescribe medications suppressing the appetite. If a patient’s obesity is accompanied by GERD, Duromine diet pills are prescribed.

Duromine is an appetite suppressant, indicated for overweight patients to help them lose extra weight more effectively and quickly. If you did not manage to get your desired weight by dieting and exercising, then Duromine weight loss pills are the right solution for you. When you use Duromine, you experience no hunger throughout a day, and even the smallest serving brings you the fullness feeling. Thus, Duromine diet pills make it much easier to reduce your daily caloric intake and stay focused on your usual activities, not on food.

If you use Duromine and you are suffering from GERD, you can lessen the disease effects by limiting the consumption of some foods and drinks. For example: coffee, black tea, alcohol, black chocolate, spices, mint, lime, lemon, oranges and other citrus fruits, tomatoes and chili pepper. To minimize the negative effects of GERD, make sure you took the last meal no later than 2 hours before sleep.

Many studies and people’s experience show that Duromine increases the weight loss effect when combined with a low-calorie diet and physical activity. Those people who have been using Duromine diet pills for 12 weeks, managed to lose at least 10% of the initial body weight. Moreover, they noticed that along with the weight loss, Duromine helped to reduce the GERD symptoms.

Surprisingly, patients have noticed that Duromine helped to reduce such effects like bitter taste, hiccup, cough and hoarseness that appear in GERD. In addition, adverse reactions caused by GERD almost never occur during anti-obesity treatment by means of Duromine.

If GERD occurs in obese people, its severity is connected to the severity of obesity. Since these two diseases depend on each other, the more excess weight a patient loses, the milder the effects of GERD.

Because GERD may cause some gastric disorders, obese patients can use antacids along with Duromine. Antacids help to relieve high acidity and heartburn in the stomach. However, patients should take these two drugs according the instructions.

If your doctor prescribed you Duromine pills for a weight loss therapy, and you are suffering from GERD, please read carefully the information on the dose regimen and the drug properties first. Before ordering Duromine anti-obesity drug, you may contact an online pharmacist over phone or by email and ask any questions on the drug you want.

CategoriesWeight Loss

Duromine for male obesity treatment

Duromine For Male Obesity Treatment.

According to stats, obese men suffer from erectile dysfunction more often than men with a normal body weight do. Violation of erection in overweight males is mostly caused by diseases that come along with obesity (e.g. hypertension, diabetes mellitus or atherosclerosis). Years of experience show that weight loss helps in normalization of erectile function in men.

For weight loss, it is recommended to stick to a diet and to increase physical exertion. Men with BMI over 25 are prescribed with Duromine diet pills in addition to non-medical methods of anti-obesity treatment. In fact, Duromine weight loss drug increases the effectiveness of a non-drug therapy of obesity and provides a quick weight loss.

Duromine anti-obesity therapy not only reduces the body weight, but also normalizes the blood pressure, thereby improving the erectile function in men. Obesity violates functions of all organs and systems in the body. Cardiovascular system is violated first. Weight gain provokes an increase of cholesterol in the body, stimulating atherosclerosis.

Along with the decrease of fat in the body, Duromine reduces the blood cholesterol, improves elasticity of arterial walls, expanding their lumen and increasing the blood flow. This effect normalizes the blood pressure. After a weight loss by means of Duromine pills, men get better blood circulation in the penis. Thus, Duromine pills indirectly improve the erection.

Weight loss by means of Duromine diet pills has a positive effect on male hormones. Lessening of adipose tissue in the male body restores a normal level of testosterone. Along with normalization of testosterone, men note an increase in muscle strength, good mood and lack of erection issues.

Optimal level of testosterone in men who use Duromine weight loss tablets improves physiological process of spermatogenesis, increasing sex drive and improving the potency. Weight loss with Duromine pills helps to keep a normal temperature of scrotum, which improves the growth of spermatozoa and increases their ability to fertilize the egg.

Increased physical activity during the therapy with Duromine also improves quality of sperm and increases the quantity of healthy and active spermatozoa. While a sedentary life and lack of physical activity can worsen the quality of sperm even in men with normal weight.

To improve erection during the therapy with Duromine weight loss pills, men can take medications for erectile dysfunction treatment – PDE5 inhibitors (e.g. Viagra, Tadalafil or Udenafil). Duromine has no drug interactions with PDE5 inhibitors. Still, PDE5 inhibitors have contraindications for use; therefore, men should consult a doctor before adding them in anti-obesity therapy with Duromine.

Once applied, PDE5 inhibitors release nitric oxide and increase the level of cGMP in corpora cavernosa of the penis. This process cause relaxation of the smooth muscles of the arteries and increases the blood inflow to the penile tissue, causing erection. Therapeutic effect of PDE5 occurs only with sexual stimulation.

It must be said that Duromine penetrates into sperm; therefore, men can continue the anti-obesity therapy when he is planning to have a child. However, women must not use Duromine when planning pregnancy.

CategoriesWeight Loss

Duromine in fatty heart

Duromine in fatty heart.

It is known that obesity negatively affects overall health. Heart most of all suffers from overweight. Excess fat is accumulated not only in the waist and hips, but also around the heart. Herewith, the load on the heart functions increases that leads to its hypertrophy and increases the risk of atherosclerosis.

Studies have shown that the load on the heart decreases simultaneously with weight loss. People with fatty heart should adhere to a balanced diet and lead an active lifestyle to reduce weight. In severe stage of obesity when BMI is above 30, appetite suppressant Duromine can be prescribed simultaneously with a diet and physical activity.

The treatment of fatty heart is primarily aimed at the reduction of body weight. The fact that the main respiratory disorders that develop in obese people depend on overweight rather than heart failure. People with fatty heart should start weight loss with the minimal dose of Duromine 15 mg.

Along with weight loss by means of Duromine pills, metabolic needs of the body are greatly reduced. The heart plays an important role in the metabolic needs of the body. The heart supplies every cell of the body with the blood and nutrients. Consequently, the body functions depend on the heart work.

Clinical studies have shown that due to the use of Duromine 15 mg, pumping function of the heart is normalized. Due to the decrease of body fat, the amount of stroke volume of the heart is reduced. When using Duromine pills, decrease in body weight and body fat reduces the growth of the vascular network.

Furthermore, the reduction of adipose tissue helps to decrease adipose tissue of internal organs, colon, skeletal muscles, as well as improves a reserve of the heart function. After all, the reserve of the heart work is designed only for life-sustaining of low-fat tissues, organs and muscles.

Weight loss by means of Duromine therapy helps to reduce the volume of blood circulation. The load on the heart is reduced due to that it passes through itself smaller volume of blood. For a course of obesity pharmacotherapy with Duromine, a person can lose up to 15% of initial weight.

Weight loss by means of Duromine pills reduces the risk of diastolic and systolic left ventricular dysfunction, which is a sign of heart failure. In addition, weight loss with Duromine helps to normalize the level of blood pressure.

Weight loss with Duromine anti-obesity therapy improves not only metabolic functions, but also hormonal disorders. Along with the reduction of body fat, tissue sensitivity to insulin is increased and functions of lipid profile are improved.

Reduction in fatty tissue caused by the use of Duromine pills accelerates the bloodstream and reduces the number of red blood cells. Along with the reduction in the number of red blood cells, the risk of atherosclerosis decreases, the elasticity of blood vessels increases, the risk of developing blood clots reduces. The reduction of three risk factors decreases the likelihood of cardiovascular pathologies.

Weight should be gradually reduced in people with fatty heart. Rapid weight loss is dangerous, especially if fatty heart is accompanied with angina attacks and diabetes. Anti-diabetic or antihypertensive drugs can be prescribed together with Duromine pills.

Given that due to weight loss, the level of blood pressure decreases, the dosage of antihypertensive drugs (Acebutolol, Atenolol, Metoprolol, Pindolol) should be reduced. It is also recommended to control the level of blood pressure, because the risk of hypotonic crisis increases when using Duromine in the combination with antihypertensive therapy.

During obesity pharmacotherapy with Duromine, the dosage of oral anti-diabetic drugs (Glumetza, Fortamet, Riomet, and Glucophage) should also be reduced. Weight loss due to Duromine 15mg improves the insulin resistance. The use of anti-diabetic drugs in the conjunction with Duromine pills may lead to hypoglycemia development.

Duromine weight loss drug helps gradually reduce weight in patients with fatty heart. Regular use of Duromine 15mg within 12 weeks helps to lose up to 15% of initial weight. Gradual reduction in body weight during the use of Duromine diet pills decreases the risk of arrhythmias. When reducing weight, people with fatty heart should:

  • monitor electrolyte balance;
  • measure blood pressure and control ECG;
  • check blood sugar level.

To keep weight at the achieved level after the discontinuation of Duromine slimming pills, it is recommended to stick to a balanced diet and to find time for physical exercises. If physical exercises lead to respiratory disorders, they can be replaced by walking for 30-40 minutes per day.

CategoriesWeight Loss

Duromine in osteochondrosis treatment

Extra weight often becomes the main reason of the rapid progression of dystrophy in intervertebral joints. To prevent osteochondrosis and to stop the disease progression, doctors recommend to reduce the body mass.

To reduce the body mass, patients should keep a balanced diet and lead an active lifestyle. Sometimes, Duromine weight loss drug is prescribed to people, who want to lose weight. In most cases, those people who lead a sedentary lifestyle suffer from excessive body mass.

Because of the lack of physical activity and improper eating, these people develop obesity very fast. Duromine reduces appetite, increases metabolism and physical activity, which helps to reduce the body mass. If a person is sitting all day long at work and spends his spare time at the computer, he is barely getting any success in the fight against his disease.

Duromine anti-obesity therapy is conducted along with the change in eating and increase in physical activity. In addition to the fact that physical exercises help to reduce the body mass, they also strengthen the spinal muscles. Moreover, weight loss by means of Duromine pills, combined with physical exertion, relieve the load in spine and slow down degeneration of cartilage.

Along with Duromine weight loss drug to relieve pain, caused by degeneration of cartilage, doctors usually prescribe Artra drug to support joints and connective tissue. When combined with weight loss, this medication slows down the progression of degenerative changes in joints.

Artra drug contains two natural substances – Glucosamine and Chondroitin that support cartilage and restore the elasticity of joints. In addition to weight loss and physical exercises, good nutrition also helps to slow down the degeneration of cartilage. Balanced diet during the use of Duromine diet pills must be rich in vitamins and minerals.

During anti-obesity therapy with Duromine, it is recommended to eat small portions of food, at least 5-6 times a day. Food must not be fatty, better to be steamed. A diet of a person, using Duromine weight loss pills must contain products that restore cartilage tissue in the joints.

In addition, a daily diet of a person, using Duromine diet pills, must contain:

Foods high in protein (eggs, eggplants, nuts and beans);
Foods rich in vitamin A (liver, artichoke and pumpkin);
Foods containing calcium (sesame, almond, rosehip and cress);
Foods containing vitamin D (sea fish, butter);
Foods high in magnesium (sunflower seeds, spinach, avocado);
Foods rich in phosphorus (bran, salad, soybean pods);
Foods high in manganese (seaweed, celery, banana and chestnut);
Foods rich in vitamin B (mushrooms, oysters and lobster);
Foods rich in vitamin C (grapefruit, paprika, avocado).
During Duromine anti-obesity therapy, it is recommended to refuse from products high in carbohydrates: sugar, jam, cakes and other pastries. The diet of a person losing weight must contain mostly fruit and vegetables that are rich in fiber.

Medical therapy with Duromine pills decreases the body mass and stops the destruction of joints. So that osteochondrosis did not progress after the termination of Duromine diet pills, people should keep their weight at the same level. Balanced diet and active lifestyle help to prevent reaccumulation of excessive weight.

CategoriesWeight Loss

Duromine in patients with bronchial asthma

Obesity may worsen the symptoms of bronchial asthma. Thus, patients with asthma are at risk of severe complications if they are overweight. It is a fact that overweight and obese people suffer from asthma symptoms a lot more than other people do. Not to mention that extra weight violates the treatment of asthma. It is getting clear that in order to increase the effectiveness of asthma therapy, overweight people should first lose weight.

General recommendation for obese asthma sufferers is to increase their physical activity and start a healthy diet. However, asthma patients find it difficult to follow these recommendations, since the medications, they have to take for asthma increase the appetite and high physical activity can cause dyspnea and suffocation.

Therefore, doctors prescribe these patients some anorectic agents to help them lose weight. One of the most effective appetite suppressant drugs is Duromine. Using Duromine, asthma patients can easily stick to small servings of food. Moreover, Duromine pills can increase the energy levels and a patient can do some physical exercises much easier than without the pills.

It is known that Duromine weight loss drug is a stimulant, acting in the brain. Its effect occurs in hypothalamus and it is aimed at the release of norepinephrine to suppress the hunger feeling. In addition, Duromine active substance can normalize the exchange of leptin – a hormone that is released by fatty cells. Leptin regulates the body weight by normalizing the metabolism and breathing.

If person is obese, his levels of leptin are lower than in people with normal body weight. According to scientific research, Duromine pills normalize the production of leptin the body.

Benefits of Duromine pills for asthmatic patients:

  • Reduce the appetite
  • Increase energy
  • Normalize the secretion of leptin
  • Normalize the ventilation of alveoli
  • Reduce the risk of vascular disorders

Asthmatic patients may use Duromine diet pills within three months in order to reduce the excess weight. Along with weight loss, people notice that their asthma attacks have reduced so they do not need to take asthma medications as often as they used to. All that increases their life quality significantly.

Given the fact that obese people have poor formation of new blood vessels, their lumen of the arteries is narrowed but the gap between adipocytes and capillaries is increased, the benefit from using Duromine anti-obesity drug becomes evident.

During an asthma attack, the lumen of the arteries is strongly narrowed, which only worsens the attack. Because Duromine diet pills help to lose the excess weight and thereby reduces many comorbidities, it indirectly relieves asthma attacks by expanding the lumen of the arteries.

Obesity affects many organs and systems in the body. Even those patients, who do not suffer from asthma, have respiratory disorders, like impaired respiratory mechanism, strength of the respiratory muscles and lung ventilation.

As mentioned above, obesity makes physical activity very difficult because of asthma and suffocation. Duromine weight loss pills minimize the risk of respiratory disorders and help asthmatic patients increase their physical activity.

If a patient has no contraindications to physical exercises (joint trauma, problems with knees, spinal cord injury, etc.), then he may start from easy exercises along with Duromine weight loss therapy. Such a combination will provide the greatest weight loss results and will reduce the asthma symptoms.

Obviously, to improve the life quality and strengthen the overall health, asthmatic patients who also suffer from obesity should stick to a proper weight loss plan. To make it easier to stick to a strict low calorie diet and exercises, patients should use Duromine diet pills. Once they start the drug treatment, asthma attacks will become mild and rare and their common health will improve. Moreover, after these patients lose extra weight, the progression of asthma will stop.

If your doctor prescribed Duromine for weight loss, but you can find it at local pharmacies, order Duromine diet pills online. Before using Duromine pills along with asthma medication, please make sure you consult a doctor.

CategoriesWeight Loss

Duromine and diabetes

Statistical research, which was held worldwide, showed that about 85% of patients with diabetes type 2 are either overweight or obese. Weight control is the basis of diabetes prophylaxis and treatment. Obesity is the common cause of impaired metabolism; moreover, it reduces the body tissues sensitivity to sugar.

In the diabetes and obesity treatment, both pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods are used. To reduce the body weight and improve the metabolism, many different medications can be prescribed, for instance Duromine.

Duromine (Phentermine) can stably reduce the body mass of obese patient by 10-15% within 3 months. Duromine weight loss drug is produced in capsules of 15mg, 30mg and 40mg, also used in diabetes.

In the beginning anti-obesity therapy in diabetic patients, a minimal Duromine 15mg dose is recommended. Gradually, Duromine drug dosage can be increased up to 30mg or 40mg. Patients with diabetes must consult a doctor before using Duromine drug.

Some drugs for diabetes treatment (for example Metermine) lessen vitamin absorption. Oral intake of Duromine contributes to reduced food consumption, which may result in reduced consumption of vitamins.

When using Duromine, diabetic patients must take into account the state of cardiovascular system. Duromine drug is not recommended in severe disorders of the cardiovascular system.

One of the main rules in diabetes – compliance with a diet and changing of lifestyle. Thus, Duromine use must not hinder the main diet principles:

  • Counting of calorie and carbohydrates consumption
  • Reducing consumption of simple carbohydrates

During diabetes treatment, it is not recommended to eat food rich in rapidly absorbed carbohydrates. Foods containing “fast” sugar causes an increase in blood sugar levels. Therefore, diabetic patients should refrain from milk, fresh fruit, fruit jam, fruit juices, sweets and candies.

In addition, diabetic patients are not recommended to use more than 10g of salt per day. Sodium, found in salt increases the blood pressure in the cardiovascular system.

Up to date, Duromine is used for the treatment of obesity, which can reduce the risk of diabetes. Because Duromine suppresses the appetite and does not stimulate the increase of insulin in the blood, it can be prescribed for almost any diabetic patient.

If you decide to buy Duromine online, but have never taken Duromine in combination with antidiabetic drugs, ask pharmacist all your questions before placing your order.

CategoriesWeight Loss

Duromine and short-term obesity therapy

Duromine is a drug, which can effectively reduce a patient’s weight and treat obesity. Weight loss pills Duromine are designed for patients, diagnosed with obesity. Usually, obesity is diagnosed, when the body mass index reaches 30.

BMI is a measure, which allows estimating, what is a person’s body weight: insufficient, normal or overweight. For people, concerned about their body weight, BMI of 30 is crucial.

If body weight increased and BMI exceeded the value of 30 over time, it means that the person has obesity. If the patient doesn’t leave this fact unattended, and starts obesity treatment soon, it is possible to get rid of obesity in a short time.

Duromine weight loss pills may be indicated immediately as BMI reaches 30. Patients, whose overweight is accompanied by type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure or great fat content in blood plasma, they can administer weight loss pills Duromine with BMI of 27 and above.

World Health Organization experts believe that the prevention and treatment of obesity in the early stages are among the priorities of modern medicine. So, the number of drugs, having similar action as Duromine weight loss pills, increases every year.

Although obesity is not a viral disease, it has already acquired epidemic proportions. More than half of people in industrialized countries have excessive weight or obesity, and their number increases every year.

Modern lifestyle, environment and high-calorie foods are forcing many people to live with excessive weight. It is believed that, once the level of BMI exceeds 30, body undergoes changes, which can cause metabolic disease and metabolic syndrome.

If you don’t start the obesity treatment in this period (e.g., through Duromine), metabolic disorders can cause even more severe obesity. This may result in a multitude of chronic diseases, the treatment of which will require not only time, but also additional costs.

Weight loss pills Duromine are intended for short-term use. Therefore, Duromine may be particularly effective for patients, who don’t have severe obesity. When using weight loss pills Duromine, a patient can reduce body weight by 5-15%.

Timely Duromine therapy will not only save your figure, but will also significantly reduce the risk of such pathologies, as:

  • Chronic inflammation of joints.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Coronary heart disease.
  • Diabetes mellitus type II.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Acute cerebrovascular
  • Inflammation of gallbladder or pancreas.
  • High level of cholesteroland fat in blood plasma.

This is not a complete list of diseases that can occur in obesity. There is, probably, not a single person in the world, whose obesity in the long term perspective would not cause any complications, not to mention psychological deviations and low level of self-esteem.

Duromine weight loss pills are not used for cosmetic purposes. Duromine is a modern potent agent that treats obesity and can cause side effects. The shorter is the period of Duromine use, the better it is for the obese patient’s organism and health.

The purpose of obesity treatment is, of course, achieving the ideal weight and beautiful body. This goal may be unattainable for the majority of obese patients. The purpose of using Duromine is significant weight reduction and maintaining patient’s health.

After using weight loss pills Duromine, the patient will need to be able maintaining the achieved weight, which is very important in the obesity treatment. Therefore, after using Duromine, the patient should not relax and learn how to control his appetite and food intake.

CategoriesWeight Loss

Duromine and obesity accompanied by hirsutism

It is a fact that obesity is accompanied by many health disorders. Because some obesity-related disorders are caused by hormonal imbalance, overweight and obese women often suffer from hirsutism (excessive growth of terminal hair). Usually, to normalize a hormonal balance, doctors prescribe women a hormonal replacement therapy. Along with normalization of hormonal balance and weight loss, the symptoms of hirsutism are reduced as well.

For the record, normalization of hormonal balance and relief of hirsutism symptoms may take few months up to several years. A sufficient weight loss takes the same amount of time in some cases. It is not a secret that extra weight and hirsutism affect women’s mental state and self-esteem. Therefore, it is recommended to combine the hormonal replacement therapy with anti-obesity treatment to lessen the body weight and the hirsutism symptoms.

There are different anti-obesity drugs on modern pharmaceutical market, but Duromine is considered the most effective one. If woman is prescribed a hormonal replacement therapy, she does not need special adjustment of Duromine dose. However, if a woman is prescribed some thyroid hormones, she should ask a doctor whether she can or not combine them with Duromine.

Duromine is a stimulant, acting in the brain and affecting the central nervous system. It is known that thyroid hormones may also affect the CNS. Therefore, thyroid hormones may intensify Duromine effect in the body. Because of such combination, side effects may occur. For example, these drugs can provoke sleeplessness, dizziness, headache and overexcitation. However, there are no records on the interaction of Duromine with other hormones.

If overweight women suffer from hirsutism, they may take Duromine pills along with Cyproterone drug. Cyproterone inhibits the secretion of male sexual hormones and thereby fights against hirsutism in a woman’s body. The good thing about Cyproterone is that it is safe for women with hyperandrogenism.

Still, Cyproterone may cause some side effects; weight gain is one of them. Duromine can countervail this side effect. Thus, Duromine weight loss drug becomes a good solution for a woman, wanting to lose weight and cure hirsutism.

The combination of Duromine and Cyproterone is a contraindication for women with depression. Therefore, doctors should prescribe to these women some other treatment course.

Instead of Duromine, women suffering from depression may use Orlistat diet pills. While Spironolactone is usually prescribed instead of Cyproterone drug. This is one of the alternative treatments for obese women with hirsutism.

Because hormonal replacement therapy takes much time, women may use depilation to solve the hairiness problem for a while. It is recommended to apply special cream on the depilated areas (for example Vaniqa cream). Vaniqa can reduce the growth of unwanted hair. This cream helps women to regain their nice appearance and increase their self-confidence.

Please note that Vaniqa cream is only a temporary solution, helping to keep unwanted hair under control. This product neither cures nor eliminates the causes of hirsutism. Therefore, to treat hirsutism and reduce the body weight, women should take Duromine pills and special medications for hirsutism treatment.

If there are no contraindications for you to use Duromine and you want to become slim, you may order Duromine diet pills online. Online pharmacy is a place where you can buy Duromine cheaply. However, you still need a prescription for Duromine pills. For more information how to order Duromine drug online, please consult an online pharmacist.

CategoriesWeight Loss

Duromine and heart murmurs

Obese patient can’t to hear the sounds and noises, which are produced by the heart’s work.  Heart murmurs can be determined only during a medical examination, using special equipment or a stethoscope.

Heart murmurs are caused by turbulence of blood flow through the heart valves. Most patients with heart murmurs are diagnosed with diseases, associated with cardiac valves.

Weight loss pills Duromine should not be taken by patients, who have problems with heart valves or other severe cardiovascular diseases. This can lead to very serious consequences, including heart attack.

Patients, taking Duromine weight loss pills, should undergo a periodic medical examination.  Especially, it concerns patients, who have any cardiovascular diseases, except obesity.

Duromine is an anorexigenic drug, which can treat patients with any degree of obesity.  Duromine contains Phentermine active substance, which had been used for obesity treatment for more than 50 years. Phentermine-containing weight loss pills are among the most popular pills in the world, which are used to treat obesity.

Phentermine can not only reduce appetite, but also raise blood pressure. Therefore, patients with mild hypertension should take Duromine weight loss pills with caution.

Obese patient must stop using Duromine and undergo a medical examination, if he has pain in chest, heart palpitations or other changes in heart, when using these weight loss pills.

If medical examination revealed a heart murmur, when the patient uses Duromine, it could be a sign of a serious breach in blood flow or a heart disease. Early diagnosis of these diseases increases the effectiveness of their treatment.

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