Most people in modern world today lives under a great deal of stress. Every day, at work when we have a boss riding us, or underlings that we have to take care of, at school arrogant teachers demanding their essays and their exams to be done not caring about other exams, or even in family environment when dealing with children, spouses, or even parents. As a consequence of this way of life our body has to adapt to these new conditions. Our body can adapt to many conditions and it is used to however our body is a machine and it used to adapting to new conditions and events. Nevertheless, if the stress we are under lasts for too long or becomes too hard to take, many physical and psychological disorders can form.
Even if it doesn’t feel so at start, as time passes it becomes harder for us to take more stress and at first little disorders are formed that we might not even notice. Increased tempo of life and many obligations that we most doo, put a constant presence of anxiety and tension on our lives. After a while it is common for a person to develop less and less tolerance for those and then after a while to easily snap at even the lowest sign of stress. And most people do this to themselves under the age of fifty, and with modern day technologies and possible future advancements they should live for at least as long as that after, and is there any chance to talk about quality of life when a person snaps at every little thing. I say “do to them” intentionally because in most cases we are not responsible to what happens to us, that we cannot control, but what we can control is how we will treat our body.
We will be under a lot of stress during our lifetime and it is our obligation to try to relieve that stress however we can, and sometimes in life there is no other choice but to resort to medicine, it should not be used every day for the rest of your life, but it should be used when the situation demands for it, because in some cases it can mean adding years or even decades to our life. But in most cases people do not wish to take any medicine and just try to take the pressure until they break.

As a consequence of increased psychological tension we can develop anxiety, irritability and uneasiness. Moments in which modern people can afford to relax and unwind are very rare, and yet sometimes we need to stop and just take a break. Pupils, students, athletes, employees and many others often have a need to calm down and relieve some tension, but in the same time to maintain focus, concentration and composure. That is why medicine like Alprazolam was invented to allow you to stop and breathe for a moment and to take the challenges of life head on.