Duromine For Male Obesity Treatment.
According to stats, obese men suffer from erectile dysfunction more often than men with a normal body weight do. Violation of erection in overweight males is mostly caused by diseases that come along with obesity (e.g. hypertension, diabetes mellitus or atherosclerosis). Years of experience show that weight loss helps in normalization of erectile function in men.
For weight loss, it is recommended to stick to a diet and to increase physical exertion. Men with BMI over 25 are prescribed with Duromine diet pills in addition to non-medical methods of anti-obesity treatment. In fact, Duromine weight loss drug increases the effectiveness of a non-drug therapy of obesity and provides a quick weight loss.
Duromine anti-obesity therapy not only reduces the body weight, but also normalizes the blood pressure, thereby improving the erectile function in men. Obesity violates functions of all organs and systems in the body. Cardiovascular system is violated first. Weight gain provokes an increase of cholesterol in the body, stimulating atherosclerosis.
Along with the decrease of fat in the body, Duromine reduces the blood cholesterol, improves elasticity of arterial walls, expanding their lumen and increasing the blood flow. This effect normalizes the blood pressure. After a weight loss by means of Duromine pills, men get better blood circulation in the penis. Thus, Duromine pills indirectly improve the erection.
Weight loss by means of Duromine diet pills has a positive effect on male hormones. Lessening of adipose tissue in the male body restores a normal level of testosterone. Along with normalization of testosterone, men note an increase in muscle strength, good mood and lack of erection issues.
Optimal level of testosterone in men who use Duromine weight loss tablets improves physiological process of spermatogenesis, increasing sex drive and improving the potency. Weight loss with Duromine pills helps to keep a normal temperature of scrotum, which improves the growth of spermatozoa and increases their ability to fertilize the egg.
Increased physical activity during the therapy with Duromine also improves quality of sperm and increases the quantity of healthy and active spermatozoa. While a sedentary life and lack of physical activity can worsen the quality of sperm even in men with normal weight.
To improve erection during the therapy with Duromine weight loss pills, men can take medications for erectile dysfunction treatment – PDE5 inhibitors (e.g. Viagra, Tadalafil or Udenafil). Duromine has no drug interactions with PDE5 inhibitors. Still, PDE5 inhibitors have contraindications for use; therefore, men should consult a doctor before adding them in anti-obesity therapy with Duromine.
Once applied, PDE5 inhibitors release nitric oxide and increase the level of cGMP in corpora cavernosa of the penis. This process cause relaxation of the smooth muscles of the arteries and increases the blood inflow to the penile tissue, causing erection. Therapeutic effect of PDE5 occurs only with sexual stimulation.
It must be said that Duromine penetrates into sperm; therefore, men can continue the anti-obesity therapy when he is planning to have a child. However, women must not use Duromine when planning pregnancy.